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Vision: A Social Developmental Hub, impacting and changing lives of people from different walks of life.
Mission: To create sustainable livelihood programmes, that contribute to pushing back the frontiers of poverty through empowering citizens to be champions of their own development playing a pivotal role in the mainstream economy.
Entokozweni Resource Centre Miag is a non-profit organisation situated in the City of Tshwane, Mamelodi, rendering critical social developmental programmes aimed at the poor and vulnerable people. The organisation has 5 pillars, notably; Child Drop-in-Centre, Youth Development, Community Nutrition Development Centre, Food Bank and an Education Fund. Poverty has overwhelmed informal settlements and in some of the families it has caused young people and children to try other means of life detrimental to their development and progress. These projects are very exciting and have produced very sound and fruitful outcomes.
The organisation seeks to find meaningful programmes that will not create a dependency syndrome among the beneficiaries it services, it provides sustainable programmes that enable change agents to be champions of their own development.
It adopted the development centre model as it addresses issues facing society in a broader sense/holistic approach. The organisation engages itself with the community it serves through Annual general meetings, door-to-door campaigns, community profiling, and community services blitz.